JINBO MINAMI AOYAMAのお料理はシェフ神保の創作によるその日限りのコース料理のみとなっております。季節に沿って旬の食材を丁寧に調理し、大切な食材を無駄にしないフードロスの観点から1つのコース料理としてご用意致します。
JINBO MINAMI AOYAMA’s cuisine is a one-day-only course meal created by chef Jinbo. Depending on the season, we cook the seasonal ingredients; we also make efforts to reduce food loss and waste.
Please let us know if you have any ingredient restrictions to avoid from your meal.
11:30 am - 3 pm

Amuse bouche, Appetizer, Pasta, Main dish, Dessert, Cafe and mignardise (6 dishes)

¥10,000 (tax included, 10% service fee will be imposed)

5:30 pm - 10 pm

3 Amuse-bouche, Appetizer, Specialities, Pasta, two main dishes of fish and meat, Dessert, Cafe, and mignardise (11dishesl)

¥20,000 (tax included, 10% service fee will be imposed)

We are trying to treasure every meeting
of ingredients.
All staff cherish every moment,
make it into a dish, and offer cordial hospitality.